Identification of Food Content Test using Reagents


  • Hajar Syifa Fiaran Universitas Jember


Biochemistry test, Amilum, Glucose, Protein, Fat


This article discusses the importance of evaluating food quality through biochemical testing to ensure the safety and health of the products consumed. The research was conducted at the Basic Chemistry Laboratory of Universitas Jember, focusing on testing the content of amylum, glucose, protein, and fat in various food ingredients, including white bread, soybeans, boiled egg whites, bananas, candlenuts, and margarine. The methods used include an amylum test with Lugol's solution, a glucose test with Benedict's solution, a protein test with a combination of NaOH and CuSO4, and a fat test using opaque paper. The test results show that each food ingredient has a different nutritional content, which is reflected in the color change that occurs after the addition of reagents. For example, white bread and bananas showed a black discoloration on the amylum test, signaling the presence of carbohydrates, while soybeans and margarine showed transparency on opaque paper, signaling fat content. This study highlights the challenges in the accuracy of test results due to variations in methods and interpretations, as well as the importance of developing more efficient evaluation techniques. With a better understanding of the nutritional components in food, it is hoped that it can help consumers and the food industry in choosing healthier and safer products. This research has made a significant contribution in increasing awareness of the importance of food quality in daily life.


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