Effectiveness of some Chemicals against Catalase Enzymes from Chicken Liver Extract


  • Mustaqim Universitas Negeri Medan


Enzyme Catalase, Chicken Heart, Hydrogen Peroxide, pH, Temperature


Enzymes are proteins that act as catalysts in the body called biocatalysts. Catalase enzymes are enzymes that belong to the class of hydroperoxidase enzymes where they protect the organism's body from harmful peroxide compounds. This experiment was carried out to test how the catalase enzyme works in chicken liver using a hydrogen peroxide solution. The method used in this study is an experimental method. In the first tube, the reaction between chicken liver extract and Hydrogen Peroxide produces a catalase enzyme that breaks down Hydrogen Peroxide into water and oxygen. In the second tube of the reaction between the chicken liver extract, Hydrogen Peroxide and Hydrogen Chloride cannot fully decompose Hydrogen Peroxide this is because the catalase enzyme cannot work optimally in the acidic state. In the third tube of the reaction between chicken liver extract, Hydrogen Peroxide and Sodium Hydroxide indicated that the enzyme could work in an alkaline stat. In the fourth tube, the reaction between the heated chicken liver extract and Hydrogen Peroxide cannot fully decompose Hydrogen Peroxide°. In the fifth tube, the reaction between the chicken liver extract and Hydrogen Peroxide proved that the catalase enzyme works at low temperatures but at a slower speed.


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