Diversity of Endophytic Fungi in Noni Plants (Morinda citrifolia L.)


  • Yuni Permatasari Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Endophytic fungi, Fungi, Identification, Morinda citrifolia L.


The exploration of endophytic fungi presents an alternative approach to producing a variety of plant-derived medicines. These fungi offer significant advantages to the health industry by enabling large-scale drug production. Extracts from the noni plant (Morinda citrifolia L.), a fruit-bearing plant native to Indonesia, have been traditionally used in various medicines for generations. The aim of this study was to identify and explore the diversity of endophytic fungi associated with noni plants. The research was conducted in the integrated laboratories of Raden Fatah State Islamic University, Palembang, specifically in the microbiology room E303 and genetics room E302. Using exploratory and survey methods, the study isolated 9 fungal species from 12 different tissue isolates, including leaves, fruits, stems, bark, and roots. The fungi identified from noni plants were classified into the following genera: Acremonium (isolate code AMC1), Aspergillus (isolate code AMC2), Candida (isolate code FMC3), Fumago (isolate codes FMC1 and FMC2), Fusarium (isolate codes DMC1 and DMC2), Mucor (isolate code KBMC2), Pythium (isolate codes BMC1 and BMC2), Trichoderma (isolate code KBMC1), and Verticillium (isolate code FMC4). The findings suggest that further research should investigate the bioactive compounds and secondary metabolites of these isolates for potential pharmaceutical applications.


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