Identification of Erlementer Composition and Amino Acid Properties


  • Purwo Siswoyo Universitas Pembangunan Pancabudi
  • Alfath Rusdhi Universitas Pembangunan Pancabudi


Amino Acids, Erlenmeter, Protein, Strong Mineral Acids, Heavy Metals


Amino acids serve as the building blocks of proteins, which play a role in the structure and function of cells, while elements contribute to the stability and activity of biomolecules. The research, which was carried out in the Basic Chemistry Room of the Integrated Laboratory of Universitas Pembangunan Pancabudi on September 2024, aims to determine the elementary composition of amino acids, determine the influence of amino acids/proteins on heavy metals, and determine the influence of amino acids on strong acids. This study uses an experimental method. The results of this study in the Amino Acid Erlementer composition experiment, part I is still white, has the smell of burning hair and there is steam. In part II, the results of the red litmus paper became blue, the color of the eggs became blackish-brown, and had the smell of burning hair. In part III, the color became brown, the egg white froze. In the deposition experiment by heavy metals, the first experiment results in a fixed deposit. In the second experiment, a white precipitate was formed. In the third experiment, the results were blue deposits. In the fourth experiment, the result was a white fixed deposit. In the fifth experiment, a yellow precipitate was formed. In the experiment under the influence of strong mineral acids, the first experiment results were cloudy white and there were no deposits. The second experiment showed that there was a pink precipitate on top of it that was white. The third experiment showed yellow deposits.


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